the djb way



Version: publicfile-0.52 (1999.11.09, "alpha")
Download: publicfile-0.52.tar.gz
MD5 (publicfile-0.52.tar.gz) = e493d69627b4fb2c7c764c0ff34330d7
Build type: djb classic (make setup check)
errno patch: publicfile-0.52.errno.patch
Other patches:

See for links to other patches.

The build/install procedure for publicfile is the usual make setup check.

First, obtain the source distribution for the package. Right click on the link above; use ftp, wget, curl, lynx -dump; whatever works for you. The installation procedure described below assumes the package will be available on your system in /usr/local/djb/dist/publicfile-0.52.tar.gz.

Verify the MD5 checksum:

# cd /usr/local/djb/dist
# md5 publicfile-0.52.tar.gz
MD5 (publicfile-0.52.tar.gz) = e493d69627b4fb2c7c764c0ff34330d7

If the reported checksum doesn't agree, the package has been altered or corrupted. Delete the package and download it again from a trusted source.

Unpack the archive into your build directory:

# cd /usr/local/djb/build
# tar -xzvf ../dist/publicfile-0.52.tar.gz

You should now find a new directory in /usr/local/djb/build named publicfile-0.52. Change into this directory:

# cd publicfile-0.52

Apply patches as necessary. The errno patch is for GNU glibc systems as described in the appendix errno patches.

# patch -p1 < ../../patches/publicfile-0.52.errno.patch

Then continue with the build/install:

# make
# make setup check

The usual flurry of compiler message will scroll down your screen. When it finishes, the package has been compiled and installed on your system.

Let Bernstein know how everything worked out, using your own name in the following:

# (echo 'Jennifer Lopez'; cat `cat SYSDEPS`) | mail 

Copyright © 2002, 2003, Wayne Marshall.
All rights reserved.

Last edit 2003.12.31, wcm.